woensdag 26 september 2007

A blog about our upcoming book

This should be a first entry of a blog about all the things Jos and I come across when writing the upcoming Manning book Open Source ESBs in Action. We will write stuff about of course Mule and ServiceMix, but also about other Open Source ESBs that we find interesting such as Open ESB and Synapse. But the topics will not be limited to just Open Source ESBs, but will cover all kinds of Open Source frameworks related to the book topic.



8 opmerkingen:

Y zei

Interesting. Looking forward to this.


Unknown zei

Great to see that you are interested! Are you working with an Open Source ESB already?


Y zei

Hi Tijs,

Yes, from the MuleSource Service Team. :-)


Unknown zei

Then you can say you are working with an ESB, yes :-)
We are very interested in your comments and remarks as the book progresses!


Unknown zei


Please do not hesitate to send email to petals-dev@ow2.org for questions about the PEtALS.


Daniel Brum zei

Interesting book idea. DO you plan on walking through an entire use-case and show how to do it with both Mule & SM?


Unknown zei

Thanks Daniel,

The book is about in-depth examples of both Mule and ServiceMix to show the what is possible with Open Source ESBs at this moment (which is a lot to my opinion). If you are interested we can already provide chapters 1 to 6. Just send me an e-mail on tijs.rademakers@atosorigin.com.



Unknown zei

I'm trying to deploy an example for mule retrieved from googlecode svn repository. ANT file ch4-examples.xml refers to mule-general.xml. The first part of this file refers to folders doesn't exist! For example, what is: "../../../../.."?? This path doesn't refer to a project folder but is OUTSIDE the project. Perhaps they refer to author's file system... Can I have the correct and compilable code for using all examples?